Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ) and Data#3 are once again pleased to announce an ICT program partnership between our two organisations in 2024.
The program partnership, focussed on ICT, is built on trust, commitment, and responsibility. The genuine alignment of values and agreed objectives between Data#3 and ISQ make this a welcome and exciting partnership.
As part of this program partnership, Data#3 is excited to bring you a series of deep-dive sessions alongside our trusted partners beginning June 2024, hosted at ISQ schools throughout Queensland.
These sessions will delve into topics including AI, cloud security, and data backup, and will provide meaningful solutions to the real-world problems faced by the ISQ community.
Delivering the Digital Future, for Education
With decades of experience in the Australian education sector, our dedicated team is focussed on helping education customers plan, deploy and manage a digital environment that supports learning and broader business objectives.
Leveraging a partnership approach, we will align your ICT strategy with your business and learning goals to drive improved outcomes, while reducing cost and risk.
Support limitless learning for your students and discover how Data#3 is delivering the digital future, for education.