Data#3 Employer Statement

Data#3 recognises that we operate within a diverse community, and this diversity is reflected in our workforce. We view the unique perspectives, skills, and experiences of our people as a strength to be nurtured.

WGEA Reporting

We acknowledge the importance of WGEA reporting in advancing workplace gender equality. While WGEA measures the Gender Pay Gap—the difference in average earnings between men and women—our primary focus is Gender Pay Equity, ensuring individuals are paid fairly for equivalent work.

Based on our internal remuneration analysis, we are confident that Gender Pay Equity exists at Data#3. Pay variances exist due to factors such as tenure, experience, role responsibilities, and territory and our reviews confirm that individuals in like-for-like roles with comparable experience are remunerated equitably. This approach provides a clearer representation of pay fairness within our organisation, accounting for unique operational factors that WGEA metrics do not consider.

Further, in alignment with our Diversity Policy, we remain committed to ensuring that all employees have equal access to career progression based on merit.

Factors Influencing WGEA Pay Gap

1. Occupational Levels

WGEA categorises pay gaps by seniority, but this does not reflect the diverse roles within Data#3. Our managerial positions vary in responsibilities, team size, and strategic impact, influencing remuneration. Broad categorisation in WGEA reporting inflates our reported Gender Pay Gap

2. Pay Structures

To attract top talent in IT and sales, we offer performance-based incentives. While base salaries remain consistent, total remuneration varies due to commissions, tenure, and territory changes. These factors create fluctuations in reported pay gaps.

3. Workforce Composition

We employ a higher-than-average proportion of women, many in support roles traditionally associated with lower compensation than sales and IT positions. This workforce distribution skews our overall gender pay statistics.

Our Commitment to Gender Equity

We actively promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, with female representation at Data#3 exceeding industry averages (33% vs. 29%) and female Key Management Personnel (KMP) significantly above the industry norm (40% vs. 23%). Over the past year, 35% of our vacancies and 30% of managerial roles were filled by women.

While we have made progress, we recognise there is more to do. Moving forward, we will:
• Review pay structures to ensure alignment with diversity and inclusion goals.
• Enhance transparency and rigor in remuneration reviews.
• Diversify talent pipelines to attract and retain female talent.
• Provide targeted development and networking opportunities.

We are committed to reducing our gender pay gap and will continue to monitor, report, and refine our initiatives. We appreciate WGEA’s role in supporting workplace gender equality and will leverage its guidance to drive further progress.

Gender Equality Indicators

Workforce Gender Composition

Data#3 Objective:

Be recognised as leading diverse and inclusive Australian IT company.

Current Actions:

  1. Annually measures, evaluates, and analyses gender workforce composition
  2. Annually evaluates and analyses staff movements (including promotions and appointments) by gender.
  3. Success stories from both our male and female senior leadership team members are promoted across our business highlighting career success and development opportunities.
  4. Provide education, training, and development opportunities along with memberships, that support women overcome barriers associated with their access to suitable work opportunities and role growth.
  5. The responsibility for fostering a diverse, fair, and inclusive workplace culture is spread across all levels of Data#3’s leadership teams.
  6. Data#3 works with vendors, partners, and various education institutions to offer internship opportunities to support female graduates enter the IT workforce.
  7. Continually review recruitment processes and practices to reduce bias and mitigate risks.

Future Actions:

  1. Increase transparency and internal reporting
  2. Track and analyse data (by gender) across entire employee lifecycle including; recruitments, promotions, and resignations by gender
  3. Develop and expand the internship opportunities Data#3 offer in combination with our vendors, partners, and education institutes, so we can offer these opportunities nationally.
  4. Conduct a gender-neutral review on our job advertisements to ensure we are positioning our roles to attract a broad range of candidates.

Board Gender Composition

Data#3 Objective:

Maintain or increase the proportion of women on our board to at least 30%.

Current Actions:

  1. Data#3 set a gender metric for our Board, targeting 30% female representation. We have maintained this gender split (as a minimum) since March 2022.
  2. Non-executive directors are appointed to the board by shareholders for a 3 year term.

Future Actions:

  1. Create a formal strategy to support gender equality in our board.

Equal Renumeration

Data#3 Objective:

To ensure fair remuneration practices across all levels at Data#3 to foster a culture of recognition, fairness, and equity.

Current Actions:

  1. Annually measures, evaluates, and analyses Data#3’s organisation-wide gender pay gap?
  2. Annually reports gender pay gap to Data#3’s shareholders, governing body, executive and senior leadership team, all employees and externally.
  3. All identified staff are placed on an appropriate award classification scale/level in accordance with their skills and experience.
  4. Conducted an organisation-wide gender pay gap analysis in 2023 to identify areas of discrepancy / inequality.

Future Actions:

  1. Conduct an organisation wide gender pay gap analysis every two years
  2. Review and formalise a remuneration policy
  3. Provide superannuation contributions to staff on paid and unpaid periods of parental leave

Equal Availability & Utility of Employment Terms

Data#3 Objective:

To create and implement policies which support the diverse needs of all our employees, so they can effectively balance and fulfill their professional and personal responsibilities.

Current Actions:

  1. Data#3 enables all staff access to flexible work and hybrid arrangements through providing required technology and training.
  2. All staff are encouraged to use flexible work arrangements and hybrid work options
  3. Our Executive and Senior leadership team members role model flexible work arrangements and hybrid work options.
  4. Success stories from both our male and female staff are promoted across the business to highlight access and use of our flexible work arrangements and hybrid work options.
  5. All staff have access to leave entitlements including compressed hours, flexible work arrangements and various leave types (i.e. parental, wellness, carers, volunteer, study etc.)
  6. All staff have access to workplace facilities to support caring (i.e. breastfeeding areas etc.)
  7. Data#3 offers keep-in-touch days for staff on parental leave.
  8. Data#3 offers a support through our Family, Carer & Wellbeing Hub to assist all staff who are carers, manage their personal and professional responsibilities.

Future Actions:

  1. Formalise Data#3’s flexible work policy
  2. Review, track, and analyse data (by gender) across entire employee lifecycle including; flexible work arrangements (including reduced days, compressed hours, and part time options).
  3. Apply a gender and diversity lens when reviewing all policies and strategy documents

Employee Consultation Relating to Gender Equality

Data#3 Objective:

Establish safe and reliable employee communication channels whereby feedback provided is integrated and used to shape actions that support gender equality at Data#3.

Current Actions:

  1.  Twice yearly Data#3 conducts a companywide survey to understand the experiences of our people. Insights gained shape our people strategy and the supports delivered to the business. This includes questions on flexibility, fairness, diversity, employee benefits etc.
  2. Collect feedback from staff through scheduled surveys sent throughout initial 6-month onboarding, on their annual anniversary, and at exit interviews.

Future Actions:

  1. Increase internal reporting and communications to enhance employees understanding of Data#3’s position and actions
  2. Undertake staff consultations annually across all branches to collect feedback and understand their experiences at work.

Sexual Harassment

Data#3 Objective:

Data#3 is recognised as an employer that prioritises and protects all employees from harassment, discrimination and bullying so every employee feels safe in the workplace.

Current Actions:

  1.  Data#3 has a formal harassment, discrimination and bullying policy and formal grievance process in place
  2. All staff complete a workplace training on harassment, discrimination, and bullying prevention at induction and at least every two years thereafter.
  3. Data#3 records and reports monthly to our Board on harassment, discrimination, and bullying incidents.
  4. Data#3 has a formal family and domestic violence policy in place (which includes additional paid leave entitlements and guidance on dealing with perpetrators).
  5. Data#3 communicates the support available to employees in relation to domestic and family violence

Future Actions:

  1. Provide training to managers around domestic and family violence and supports available every 2 years.
  2. Review Data#3’s gender-based harassment and discrimination, sexual harassment, and bullying prevention strategies and processes to identify opportunities to enhance our practices.

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